Third Quarter of 2023 Real Estate Results

Closed Escrows in Northern San Luis Obispo County  for the third quarter of 2023 were a little better than they were in the second quarter with sales rising 7% in the third over the second.     They are 11% down from the same time in 2022.

   Pending Sales (properties in escrow) are down a whole 50% from the second quarter.     However, they are at the same exact number they were in the third quarter in 2022.    

    Unsold properties on the market are up 7% from what they were in the second quarter and up 10% for the same time frame in 2022.  

   So all in all, not a big change from the the third quarter  as compared to the second quarter at this time.    Inventory is still at all time lows at this time with those properties that are priced properly selling pretty quickly despite interest rates being much higher this year.